Agency Branding (locked)

Agencies are going through a problem.

It is no secret that agencies have been having a rough ride over the past few years. Their turf has been encroached by consultancies, AORs are replaced by project fees, and talent has been moving away to tech firms. This is no excuse to sit down in a quiet corner and just wait for a slow death. The smart ones, need to rise and come out swinging with clever ideas they have been known for to solve problems. Ideas get remembered, they build brands, they get liked, loved, and shared by people. For an ad agency to survive or be relevant moving into the future they need to own the status of the trusted idea deliverers. Creativity and ideas are all that will separate an ad agency from an accounting firm.

The projects in this password-protected link, showcase work done for two New York agencies, one being a top branding agency that brought me in as a consultant to review their brand from the outside. I was asked to come up with ideas to refresh their agency brand.

To view password-protected projects, click here.


Travelers: E-Learning Modules


Party City: E-commerce Hub (locked)